We would be so grateful if you would again join your prayers with ours for this petition.
Holy Mary, you learned compassion as you witnessed with grief-stricken soul the suffering and death of your divine Son. And your compassion for us your children in our sickness and sufferings has earned for you the loving title of Health of the Sick.
Compassionate Mother, I turn to you now and beg you to pray with me for the welfare of my child. Your intercession is boundless before the throne of our Father in heaven: whatever you ask, He will grant. So speak to Him now with me on behalf of my child, who is your child too. Ask Him in His loving mercy to grant a restoration of health.
And, through the goodness of your intercession and in recognition of blessings received, may both my child and I be drawn closer to you in filial affection and trust and give ourselves in all things to a greater dedication in service to God our Father. From Fathers' Manual 1969
We're praying for you all!